03 March 2025

Import a Payment Schedule

Use the Payment Details tab to import a payment schedule file (.pay) into the StudyLink module.

A payment schedule contains payment details that have been made to the education provider for a learner. Each record in the schedule provides a learner's identifying information, and the amount paid for that learner.

When you import a payment schedule, the system attempts to auto-match the amount paid for the learner with any outstanding fees that are flagged as 'Include in StudyLink', and were created after the 'StudyLink current year start date'. Refer to Manual and Automatic Learner Matching for further information on learner matching.

If the system matches payments, it creates matched receipts up to the amount that was received in the payment schedule for the learner, in ascending created date order for the set of fees.

If any remaining payment from the total payment in the schedule will result in the fee only being partially matched, this amount will still be partially matched to the fee.

If the fee has already been partially paid by another payment that is not directly from StudyLink, the payment from the schedule is matched to any outstanding amount on the fee.

To import a payment schedule:

  1. Select the Payment Details tab.

    Payment Details tab

  2. Click the Import StudyLink File button on the StudyLink Commands ribbon.

    Import StudyLink File button

    The Import StudyLink File window is displayed.

    Import StudyLink File window

  3. Click the Browse button adjacent to the Please select a file to import field.

    Browse button

    The Open window is displayed.

    Open window

  4. Search for and select the relevant file, and then click the Open button.

    Open button

    You can import the following types of payment schedules:

    • Daily (for example: P_1234_26092019.pay)
    • Daily Step Up Scholarship (for example: S_1234_26092019.pay)
    • Daily Bonded Merit Scholarship (for example: B_1234_26092019.pay)
    • Daily TeachNZ Scholarship (for example: E_1234_26092019.pay)
  5. Click the Upload button.

    Upload button

    If the import process is successful, the Import StudyLink File window displays a summary of the matched learners.

    Import StudyLink File window summary

    The import process will be prevented if you have previously imported a file of the same name.

  6. Click Close.

    The Payment Details page then displays the new payment records in the grid.

    New record in the Payment Details grid

    Partially Matched records are displayed by default.

    When you import a payment schedule into the StudyLink module, the system performs the same auto-matching process as for a Request file. Refer to Import a VoS Request for further information.

    For the records that are flagged as Not Matched or Partially Matched, a further matching process attempts to match the record based on the latest Request with the following identifying demographic parameters:

    • Family Name(s)
    • Given Name(s)
    • Date of Birth
    • Student's Client Number
    • Provider's Student ID

    If the system makes a successful match using this further matching process, the Match condition is set to 'Previously matched'. The Match status for the record is set to the Match status associated with the 'Previously matched' Match condition.

Once the file has been imported, you can: